Gen. James E. Cartwright Traitor » Planet Netopia
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Gen. James E. Cartwright Traitor » Planet Netopia
Gen. James E. Cartwright Traitor » Planet Netopia
television the drug of the Nation
| Corporate Control of the Internet & Web 2.0 Posted On 01/13/2009 12:29:42 by Elanor |
We know that mainstream media only gives us what our Criminal Corporate Masters (CCMs) want us to know. We are busy in our enclosed little lives – when do we have time to go out and investigate what is going on? We don’t. The one and only and LAST place we have to exchange information is the internet. There is truth there. You can find it if you look. And the CCMs are working diligently to shut it down – by preference, or if that’s not possible they must have CONTROL of the information you’re getting there.
They do that by FLOODING the internet with garbage! False information, ads, spam, mirror sites, hostile sites, viruses, deviant behavior, etc. That way most people won’t even get online at all. They’re convinced that the internet is just garbage – and most of it is, purposely polluted by the CCMs. Just like our air, water, energy and food.
And now we are presented with Web 2.0. What is that exactly? The new ALLIED INTRANET? We’re going to be finding out in upcoming publications on this site.
The REAL internet community is a group of serious, smart and FRUSTRATED people who cry to see the hash the CCMs have made of things – purposely, and with malicious intent.
Remember to maintain control over our lives – to keep convincing us that “this is just the way it is, accept it” THE CCMs MUST CONTROL THE INFORMATION YOU RECEIVE.
The public airways are OURS. The INTERNET is OURS.
The Truth is Out There, Waiting For You.
Tags: Corporate Media Control Fcc Regulations Citizen Opposition Oppose Internet
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This music is so shit youll need an exctasy or 2 or 3 or a tab or a couple a beers to get into it its so shit and life is shit you cant unwind except to the sound of loud banging
World Economic Mafia er Forum meets in Davos to fix the games in favour of the house
Obama stimulates his package in congress er stimulus package passed by congress..
In the uk..the bbc refuse to broadcast anything Israel doesnt like, just in case..
Hello Impartial observers welcome to the fkn newz , Im towing the line here are the headlies tonight..
Category: News & Politics
deek jackson fknnewz newz fkn news comedy satire vydi funny circusfantasticus alternative nwo
"Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen" Udo Vetter 7 Videos
Playlist: y_list?...
"Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen" von Udo Vetter ( auf dem 23. Chaos Communication Congress. Durchsuchung, Beschlagnahme, Vernehmung - Strategien für den Umgang mit Polizei und Staatsanwalt Wer online lebt und arbeitet, tut dies unter den Augen der Strafverfolger. Der Vortrag schildert, wie Durchsuchungen, Vernehmungen und Ermittlungsverfahren ablaufen. Er erklärt, wie man sich gegenüber Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft richtig verhält.
Kategorie: Bildung
Tags: hausdurchsuchung durchsuchung beschlagnahme beschlagnahmung vernehmung staatsanwalt staatsanwaltschaft kripo kriminalpolizei kriminal polizei bka lka bnd strafverfolgung pc computer software filme musik runterladen downloaden illegal illegale tauschbörsen rapidshare ddl internet raubkopien raubkopierer raubkopiererei piraterie schäuble vorratsdatenspeicherung überwachung kontrolle hacking ccc chaos tv club communication congress vortrag bericht doku dokumentation reportage
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Bilderberg Group 08, Conference from Daniel Estulin 5 Videos
The Bilderberg Group 08
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Blood bath in Israel 3 Videos
Blood bath in Israel
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Blood Letting 13 Videos
Blood Letting
A variety of videos on blod letting
The"Global Elite" is a woordwide rulership of the bloodlines of Dracula, called Vlad the Impaler
Blood Letting is what it is all about: they want blood. That is why we have wars and murders in hospitals and elderly homes.
Populations get tricked into giving blood.
More info on
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BRD Deutschland Politik der Illuminaten 1 Videos
BRD Deutschland Politik der Illuminaten
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Chemtrails 5 Videos
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Freemans Perspective 1 Videos
Freemans Perspective
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Illuminati Bloodlines Blood Suckers 9 Videos
Illuminati Bloodlines Blood Suckers
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Israel - Paelstine 1 Videos
Israel - Palestine
To understand the history of Israel, you have to understand the workings of the wicked Rothschild
Israel has a government of sorcerers and witches, not Jews
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Leo Zagami Interviewed by Project Camelot 3 Videos
Leo Zagami Interviewed by Project Camelot
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Luciferian Order History: Rothchild Plot pt.1/9
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Edward Griffin - Capitalist Conspiracy
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The Banking Swindle 3 Videos
The Banking Swindle
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The Rothschild Story: Synagogue of Satan 18 Videos
The Rothschild Story: Synagogue of Satan
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The Rothschilds: Hell on Earth for Everybody else
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They want you dead! Organ Donating Organspende
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Where the Rich and Famous Dwell
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Forum » Poison Food Poison Society Democracy Now » Planet Netopia
Poison Food Poison Society Democracy Now Thursday January 29 2009
as good as the vid is, it does not matter. earthslast hope, and his USA180 group, are traitors backing ron paul, the amero and pushing for the North American Union. We are looking for the real info for the criminals impeachthecriminals and earthslasthope. Please forward anything you may know. thanks.
Illuminati III Murdered by The Monarchs
How to create an Angry American - WalKnDude -
television the drug of the nation - Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy
Presidential Election 2008 World bank NH IA SC FLA Zeitgeist CHIP DNA NWO CFR Kennedy Conspiracy Theory ?
A Founder of the Internet » Planet Netopia
A Founder of the Internet
There is really not much left to say.
There is about 30 years of my words, thoughts, hopes and dreams on the net. As well as facts on anything that might concern me that you may or may not be looking for. It's all here. Years and years data, proof, my life.
Enjoy it.
James Tracy Cuneo CNA CNE 2nd Lt. Persona Non Grata
A Founder of the Internet
You called? Human Monkey ☯ Monkey Human
Jack Layton's response to Ignatieff's support of Harper budget
What we saw yesterday is what happens when a government cobbles together a budget it doesn't believe in. Using Mr. Ignatieff's own litmus tests, this budget fails to protect the vulnerable, it fails to safeguard the jobs of today, and it fails to create the jobs of tomorrow. Nevertheless, Stephen Harper is going to remain in office, because Michael Ignatieff has decided to keep him there.
Category: News & Politics
Jack Layton NDP New Democrat Ignatieff Harper budget 2009
Forum » The Obama Deception. » Planet Netopia
The wave of mass hysteria surrounding the election of the United States’ first African-American president may enable the globalists to push through their agenda, knowing that eight years of dirty work had tarnished George W. Bush’s administration and turned the people against him. Now, many of those same policies stand to continue under the guise of a new face.
Videos » Children Of The Moon Alan Parsons Project » Planet Netopia
Alan Parsons Project - Children Of The Moon (((Stereo)))
Lyrics follow the comments.
Movie Plot:
The wizard Themistocles appears to Kim and urges him to return to Magic Moon, the land that people travel to when they dream. When the young boy arrives, he finds the magic realm dramaticly changed.
This video was animated by Yannick Puig.
Inspired by the sound track "I lived on the Moon",of the Kwoon's album "Tales and Dreams".
Edited by RicBNH and set to Alan Parsons "Children Of The Moon".
Excerpt from an interview with Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson:
EW: Children of the Moon is a political statement. The idea of being
helpless pawns at the mercy of our political or religious leaders has always
struck me. And I find that current political events in the world, make this
song, as far as I'm concerned, all the more poignant.
(lead vocal - david paton)
Pay no attention to the writing on the wall
The words seem empty cause theres nothing there at all
We let the wise men beat the drums too soon
We were just children of the moon
No one to turn to
Nowhere to run to even if we could
Too late to save us but try to understand
The seas were empty there was hunger in the land
We let the blind man lead the way too long
Easy to see where we went wrong
Nothing to live for
Nothing to die for
Were lost in the middle of a hopeless world
Lost in the middle of a hopeless world
Children children of the moon watch the world go by
Children children of the moon are hiding from the sun and the sky
Children children of the moon watch it all go by
Children children of the moon are blinded by the light in their eyes
No one to turn to
Nowhere to run to even if we could
Follow the pilgrim to the temple of the dawn
The altars empty and the sacrifice is gone
We let the madmen write the golden rules
We were no more than mortal fools
Nothing to live for
Nothing to die for
Were lost in the middel of a hopeless world
Lost in the middle of a hopeless world
Children children of the moon watch the world go by
Children children of the moon hiding from the sky
Category: Entertainment
alan parsons project children of the moon ricbnh ytv animation fantasy pop rock yannick puig
Hair - The Original Rock Musical Movie - 'Aquarius' (1979) [ Widescreen ] (((Stereo)))
Listen in (((Stereo))) watch in YT HQ
Add &fmt=18 to the end of the page URL and reload it.
Aquarius from the rock musical Hair.
Hair tells the story of the "tribe", a group of politically active, long-haired "Hippies of the Age of Aquarius" fighting against conscription to the Vietnam War and living a bohemian life together in New York City. Claude, his good friend Berger, their roommate Sheila and all their friends struggle to balance their young lives, loves and the sexual revolution with their pacifist rebellion against the war and the conservative impulses of their parents and society. Ultimately Claude must decide whether or not to resist the draft, as his friends have done.
After an off-Broadway debut in October 1967 at Joseph Papp's Public Theater and another run in a midtown discothèque space, the show opened on Broadway in April 1968 and ran for 1,750 performances, followed by a successful London production, which ran for 1,997 performances. Numerous productions have been staged around the world since then, and numerous recordings of the musical have been released. Several of the songs from its score became Top 40 hits, and a successful movie adaptation was released in 1979. A Broadway revival is scheduled to open on
March 5, 2009.
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revalation
And the mind's true liberation
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius
Category: Entertainment
hair rock musical 1979 ricbnh ytv mv music video
Videos » King Herods Song » Planet Netopia
King Herods Song
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) King Herods Song (16)
Jesus, I am overjoyed
To meet you face to face
You've been getting quite a name
All around the place
Healing cripples
Raising from the dead
Now I understand you're God
At least that's what you've said
So you are the Christ
You're the great Jesus Christ
Prove to me that you're divine
Change my water into wine
That's all you need do
Then I'll know it's all true
C'mon King of the Jews
Jesus you just won't believe
The hit you've made around here
You are all we talk about
You're the wonder of the year
Oh what a pity
If it's all a lie
Still I'm sure
That you can rock the cynics if you try
So if you are the Christ
Yes the great Jesus Christ
Prove to me that you're no fool
Walk across my swimming pool
If you do that for me
Then I'll let you go free
C'mon King of the Jews
I only ask what I'd ask any superstar
What is it that you have got
That puts you where you are? Oh, ho ho
I am waiting
Yes I'm a captive fan
I'm dying to be shown
That you are not just any man
So if you are the Christ
Yes the great Jesus Christ
Feed my household with this bread
You can do it on your head
Or has something gone wrong?
Jesus, why do you take so long?
Aw, c'mon King of the Jews
Hey! Aren't you scared of me Christ?
Mr. Wonderful Christ!
You're a joke, you're not the Lord
You are nothing but a fraud
Take him away
He's got nothing to say!
Get out you King of the
Get out you King of the,
Get out you King of the Jews!
Get out of here, you, you!
Get out of here, you!
Get out of my Life!
Category: Music
tim rice andrew lloyd webber jesus christ superstar ricbnh ran productions king herod ytv rock opera
FEMA.... Classified! » This video has been removed. » Planet Netopia
FEMA.... Classified!
This video has been removed.
Here are other videos about FEMA.... Classified!
Hamas is back in total control of Gaza amid threats they will resume rocket attacks on Israel if the siege of Gaza is not lifted.
Israel will give legal protection to soldiers who fought in the three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip, Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, has said.
"The commanders and soldiers sent to Gaza need to know that they are completely safe from different tribunals and Israel will help and protect them," he said on Sunday.
Olmert said he had appointed Daniel Friedman, the justice minister, to chair an inter-ministerial committee "to co-ordinate Israel's efforts to offer legal defence for anyone who took part in the operation.
"He will formulate questions and answers relating to the army's operations, which self-righteous people ... might use to sue officers and soldiers," he said.
Israel's military censor has already banned the publication of the identity of the unit leaders who fought Hamas in the Gaza Strip for fear they may face war crimes charges.
'War crimes'
Amnesty International has said it is "undeniable" that Israel used white phosphorus in crowded civilian areas, contrary to international law, charging that this amounted to a war crime.
Accusing Israel of using excessive force, Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, has demanded that those responsible for bombing UN buildings in the Palestinian territory be made accountable.
UN schools and the main aid headquarters where tonnes of food was stocked were bombed.
Eight Israeli human rights groups have called on the Israeli government to investigate the scale of the casualties, describing the number of dead women and children as "terrifying".
Israel insists troops did their best to limit civilian casualties in a heavily-populated area and blamed Hamas for hiding behind civilians to fire rockets at southern Israel.
Gaza doctors put the Palestinian death toll at 1,330 with at least another 5,450 people wounded.
About 65 per cent of the dead were civilians, including 437 children.
Ten Israeli soldiers and three civilians died during Operation Cast Lead, which ended last Sunday with a ceasefire.
Category: News & Politics
Gaza Hamas olmert livni barak Brigades Obama Channel Germany York news army soldier london death god free south USA video africa west F-16 Arab California Zionist india terror lies cairo Bush indonesia Truth fight guns Iraq washington pakistan crime UN Lies Anti Christ America Canada UK Russia israeli New World islam Genocide england terrorism california palestine Jews IDF WAR Algerie Egypt car muslims jihad allah France فلسطين إسرائيل إسلام الجزائر مصر غزة
Be My Friend on MySpace
Mind Control, Psychology of Brain Washing, Sex & Hypnosis
This video discusses levels of mind control, cognitive, emotional, subconscious and biological. These equate to three different schools of psychology, cognitive psychology, behavior psychology and biological psychology or psychiatry.
Mind control techniques discussed in this video include political and religious indoctrination, propaganda, education, hypnosis, brainwashing, depatterning, deprogramming, punishment, conditioning, public relations, advertising, drug addiction and restraint.
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Sex Addiction, Restless Legs Syndrome, PMS & Porn Drug
MK-Ultra, CIA Mind Control & Brain Washing to Make Assassins
Sex Control Police State, Eugenics, Galton, Kantsaywhere
This video was produced by psychetruth
Psychetruth is empowered by TubeMogul
© Copyright 2008 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.
Category: Howto & Style
mind control psychology brainwashing sex hypnosis psychiatry psychetruth mkultra science deprogramming punishment drug
Illegal Drugs Bullshit
Illegal drugs are the secongd biggest business on planet earth, the biggest business is the arms trade. To make money from the arms trade , you need conflict and war, you need people to hate and kill each other. No one will buy your guns and bombs if peace and understanding reighn across the world, no one will spend billions on planes, rockets and missiles unless they wish others to die or fear death themselves ..hi can i interest you in an airforce to bomb your neighbour with ,,no man there cool , bit noisy at the weeknd but shit I dont wanna drop bombs on them ,,,are you sure how about some tanks just in case there next bbq gets a little rowdy, no really were fine.Trade in illegal Drugs make 400 billion a year, i didnt make that figure up the UN gave it to me. Drugs only make that much money because you want them and they are illegal, try making cellery illegal and see who gives a fuck. coffee. tobbacco, beer, whisky, these drugs are legal because there has to be something fun for the masses to do right.. I mean it would be a hard faced puritanical fascist regime that didnt let its minions do something to alleviate the boredom ..back to work scum and no changing your state of mind when you get home , live to work and die in misery hahahaha..thats not gonna go down to well is it..tho there are some elite yoga gurus doing the dragons breath breathing exercise, ommm ..that .releases a naturaly occuring hallucegen, ommm but for the rest of us less perfect . ommm everyday common people , its beer and cigarettes or is it..400 billion ..dollars a year ...why there must be lots of us on drugs., your probabaly on drugs , and so are you ..drugs from all over the world,, for all kinds of states of mind , drugs to keep you up,, drugs to put you down , drugs to get you up again , drugs to make you feel , drugs to take away feeling, 400 billion dollars theres gotta be a whole lot of smoking snorting shootiing and popping going on , unless theres 400 people each paying a billion dollars a year for there habit ..., yeh man i can sort you out man , but ittl cost you like a 1 billion dollars a gram man ..get the fuck out here I could buy bolivia for that.. I dont think so... theres massive exploitation of people and their desire to take drugs..which is why they are illegal,. Are there good drugs , are there bad drugs, which drugs are which...doctors kill more people every year with prescription medicines than all the illegal drugs put together ....dont believe me , google it ,then google it agian , and keep googling it till your well informed and have rid yourdelf of ignorance in this matter ...your doctor is a deadly drug dealer , your government are legal drug barons , your society , my society ,is high society, and some people are making billions of it because what we want has been deemed contraband....drugs the second biggest business on earth , 400 billion dollars worth of business,whooeeew thats a lot of money,,for stuff thats not worth much really , not worth much at all, most of the drugs people want are abundant ,cheap , and easy to grow or aquire,
Category: Comedy
deek jackson fknnewz newz fkn news comedy satire vydi funny circusfantasticus alternative nwo
Welcome to the Third World !
And rest assured that the billionaires will, in short order, convert their assets, into other currencies, while watching the dollar collapse from their private islands off the shores of Dubai and elsewhere, protected by their private armies of thugs.
Category: News & Politics
Ecomomic Collapse New World Order Fraud Fascism Global Poverty Enslavement commentary analysis
Mere hope is NOT enough
As a long term observer of US foreign policy, I will not refrain from any commentary, regardless of WHO is in office, in the US or elsewhere. No administration is beyond critique, period. Obama was elected, in large part, because of his anti-war stance in public, and by the hopes of the vast majority of the US population to take a stand against the Bush Regime, instead of hailing this regime as 'doing a good job for our nation.' While we cannot yet judge this incoming administration on its overall actions, the high level appointments speak volumes. And while his first acts in office, such as halting the show trials at Gitmo and several other executive orders are positive, they may, in the end, not amount to nothing more than further public relations efforts, without addressing the root of our problems - both here at home, and abroad.
So, instead of waiting to see what will happen, massive pressure must be heaved upon Obama and Congress, in order to bring past abusers of the law, at the highest level, to justice - lest it set another precedent for impunity and inaction. Many citizens seem to feel, that they can once again RELAX, and not pay attention to what is going on, now that Bush/Cheney are gone. Yet, behind the scenes, many of their supporters and think-tanks are working overtime, to subvert the law once again.
Without pressure from below, NO CHANGE is possible in the long run.
Category: News & Politics
MONARCH, potential enemies used by intelligence cabal as human guinea pigs to perfect microwave weapons. This military doctrine paper is quoted in depth to describe the current use of psychotronic and microwave weapons technology targeting political dissidents.
The true story of microwave weapons being used on whistleblowers and dissidents on a government hit list.Experiments that slowly kill with non-ionizing radiation or forces a suicide due to the extended torture
"they speak of morality and shock and awe! spread this far. we are in for a homeland attack of the mind. i dont know how many agents there are here but keep this in mind "first us canon fodder then you" cause your are expendable. anyone want to not put their head in the sand till they feel the gov. probe up their back side and not recieve such info let me know. me? i have children i have to stay up on this gov. regime in hopes of preventing my children from being used then thrown out with the mornings gov trash."
From: WalKnDude
01/18/2009 04:13:34
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[HAARP high frequency active auroral research project (#18)]
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[Project Blue Beam, UFO's and MONARCH]
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[Just The Microwave Weapons Facts]
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[Targeted Individuals part one (#31)]
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[MKULTRA victims and therapists speak]
MKULTRA victims and ...
[UFO, Military Intelligence, Remote Viewing (#15)]
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[Precognition and Clairvoyance Explained]
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[Monarch III (45min)]
Monarch III (45min)
[Cold War Psyop McCarthyism, Operation Northwoods (#28)]
Cold War Psyop McCar...
[Eschelon TIA Total Information Awareness (35)]
Eschelon TIA Total I...
[The Great Deception (a) (#20)]
The Great Deception ...
[MKULTRA Scientists (#13)]
MKULTRA Scientists (...
1-16 of 164
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You called?
911 is a Lie, the war on Terror too!
As the world falls down. » Planet Netopia
This music is so shit youll need an exctasy or 2 or 3 or a tab or a cuople a beers to get into it its so shit and life is shit you cant unwind except to the sound of loud banging
Category: Music
deek jackson fkn newz fknnewz comedy satire commentary analysis news political commercial r&b alternative rap indie hip-
This music is so shit youll need an exctasy or 2 or 3 or a tab or a cuople a beers to get into it its so shit and life is shit you cant unwind except to the sound of loud banging
Category: Music
deek jackson fkn newz fknnewz comedy satire commentary analysis news political commercial r&b alternative rap indie hip-
Secrecy - a bad idea unless your a crook, a con man or a religious leader
Category: Music
deek jackson fkn newz fknnewz comedy satire commentary analysis news political commercial r&b alternative rap indie hip-
President Reagan explains the key to American government—rule by consent of the governed.
Category: News & Politics
Ronald Reagan Conservatives Republicans Democrats Liberals Orbin
Forum » The destruction of American sovereignty » Planet Netopia
Understand: This is happening NOW while you are watching this video. Our constitution, our bill of rights, the "American way of life" is being re-written as you read this. The "all out assault by the elite" stated in the video means that if we don't fight back WE AGREE that our FAMILY and THEIR FAMILIES will be their slaves. THIS IS WAR. Let me repeat that. THIS IS WAR. You need to see WHO THE ACTUAL ENEMY IS.
The time is NOW - this is our last chance. This is YOUR CALL TO ACTION! And I don't mean waiving signs or signing petitions. Get your lazy, fat, McDonald's ass up out of that chair - turn off your television, throw away that newspaper and meditate on what it is to be an AMERICAN while you still can.
Taucher - Child Of The Universe (Sanvean) (Extended Club Mix)
VIDEO DETAILS » I Am The Walrus » Planet Netopia
The Beatles
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation t-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman (woo), they are the eggmen (woo), I am the walrus,
goo goo gajoob.
Mister City P'liceman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying.
I'm cry, I'm crying, I'm cry.
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl and you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman (woo), they are the eggmen (woo), I am the walrus,
goo goo gajoob.
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, you get a tan from
Standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
goo goo gajoob ga goo goo gajoob.
Expert texpert choking smokers,
Don't you think the joker laughs at you? (ho ho ho, he he he, ha ha ha)
See how they smile like pigs in a sty, see how they snide.
I'm crying.
Semolina Pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
goo goo gajoob ga goo goo gajoob
(rhythmical speaking along with juba's).
Juba juba juba, juba, juba, juba, juba, juba, juba juba. Juba juba.....
British Capitalism - the Worm Ouroboros
If on the other hand, the state became the primary investor into for example, sustainable technologies, utilizing our valuable intellectual capital before it too, vanishes (dies, retires, emigrates), then we could actually set a benchmark for the transformation of the economy into one that not only serves our citizens but also the entire planet. Hey, but don’t they call that socialism?
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Obama, the Hebrew » Planet Netopia
Ring of Power 2 Monkey Blood - MIND BLOWER !
Leading the world to Freedom!
The Century of the self - 1 to 4
Happiness Machines
The Engineering of Consent
There is Policeman Inside all our Heads
Eight People Sipping Wine
Illuminati III Murdered by The Monarchs
Earth Rising 2
Sweet Remedy The world reacts to an adulterated food supply
Documentary The Power Of Nightmares 1 to 3
Baby Its Cold Outside
The Phantom Victory
The Shadows In The Cave