Saturday, February 28, 2009

Its Been Awhile - - Real community - No thought police.

Its Been Awhile - - Real community - No thought police.

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Friday, February 27, 2009 - Real community - No thought police.   Roots the US propaganda system

Roots the US propaganda system

Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda
One of the dubious contributions of the US
to the rest of the world has been the development
of modern propaganda techniques.

US "public relations" pioneers like Ivy Lee
and Edward Bernays not only served US corporate
clients, they were also openly admired and in Lee's
case even hired by the Nazi government to
provide advice and services.

There are deep historical roots to the
US elite's obsession with "public relations."

Regimenting people's minds
The conflict between the economic elite and the rest of the population has been part of American culture since the beginning.

Some of the the Founding Fathers, like James Madison, recognized this conflict and took the side of the elite.

The biggest threat Madison and others felt they faced was independent thought.

"Dealing" with independent thought in a nominally democratic society has been one of the obsessions of big business and corporate power throughout America's history and over the centuries, they've become very good at it.

tags: propaganda, public relations, Ivy Lee, Edward Bernays, NAZI, economic, James Madison, society, big business, corporate, Noam Chomsky

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

The government take over of the US economy - - Real community - No thought police.

The government take over
of the US economy
Where all the money goes
Two sets of books

Sixty trillion dollars is being held off the books by various state and local governments in the US...
Could that be true?
Is it even possible?
Walter Burien says it is.
In this video he explains how it's done and what we can do about it.
The government take over
of the US economy

This video was originally produced on January 8, 2000 by Walter Burien.

The government, at all levels, is running a very simple financial con game.

If something produces revenue - like bridges, highways, ports, or successful investments etc - that revenue goes into off budget slush funds.

If it costs money, it's charged to the public via taxes.

This is being done at all levels of government - including state, county, city, and school districts.

The total "off budget" funds held by the various governments amount to trillions of dollars.

The real accounting is contained in what's called Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) which are not only not made available to the public, their very existence is never mentioned by the news media.


Trillions of dollars pays for a lot of corruption.

Every time an elected official stands before you and tells you the government is out of money and they have to raise taxes, he or she is lying through their teeth.
P.S. Please share this video with friends and colleagues.
They have a right to know.
You called?

tags: government take over US economy money state local Walter Burien economy revenue budget

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Pentagon Psychological Warfare Operations Against U.S. Citizens » Planet Netopia

Pentagon Psychological Warfare Operations Against U.S. Citizens

Evidence of Pentagon Psychological Warfare Operations Against U.S.
Citizens Surfaces in Want Ads

The U.S. military's domestic operations command says it is not
planning or conducting a secret psychological warfare campaign to
manipulate the opinions of American citizens, despite a U.S. Air
Force document suggesting such activities might be taking place.

"We do not do information operations against the American public,"
said Lt. Cmdr. Sean Kelly, a spokesman for the Pentagon's Northern
Command, known as NORTHCOM, based in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Kelly confirmed that there is a "psyops," or psychological warfare
operations, unit at NORTHCOM but said its work is "designed to
influence and deter foreign enemies from attacking the United

NORTHCOM was created after the 9/11 attacks to direct military
operations, including intelligence analysis, air defense and support
for civilian first responders, inside the United States. It shares
the military's counterterrorism mission with the Pentagon's Pacific
Command, Central Command and Strategic Command.

The possibility of a propaganda program run out of the military's
domestic headquarters surfaced with a phrase in an online employment

Propaganda: Remember the Kuwaiti babies?

If you liked the lie about the murder of Kuwaiti babies after Iraq's
invasion of the oil-rich emirate in 1990, you'll love the Office of
Strategic Information.

That is, if the Pentagon's new office of shadow plays survives in the
form it had been envisioned.

Last week The New York Times reported that the Defense Department is
paying the Rendon Group, a Washington-based international consulting
firm, $100,000 per month to help the OSI with a broad campaign that
would include "black" propaganda, or disinformation -- commonly known
as lies.

This brought to mind one of the most notorious pieces of
disinformation promulgated the last time the government wanted to
build public support for a war against Iraq. It was fabricated by
Hill and Knowlton, one of the world's largest public relations firms.
This is the story that in 1990 invading Iraqi soldiers pulled Kuwaiti
premature babies from their incubators and left them to die on the
cold floor. The Bush administration has scrambled away from the storm
of criticism sparked by the Times' report, and the president promised
Monday that his government would not lie about defense policy. On
Sunday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on NBC's "Meet the
Press": "The person in charge is debating whether it should even
exist in its current form, given all the misinformation and adverse
publicity it has received."

The OSI was created shortly after Sept. 11 to build public support
abroad for the U.S. war on terrorism.

On Wednesday, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith
told reporters that the Pentagon would never lie to the public. But
United Press International's Pentagon correspondent Pamela Hess wrote
that Feith "refused to rule out the possibility that hired guns --
private lobbying or public relations firms with more legal latitude --
would spread misinformation on the Pentagon's behalf."

On Monday a spokeswoman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense
said Feith's words had been misconstrued.

"I don't think he said that we might hire 'hired guns,'" said Army
Lt. Col. Catherine Abbot. "I think that's a misinterpretation of what
he said."

But the transcript of the Feb. 20 Defense Writers' Group breakfast
meeting supports Hess' interpretation. Feith was asked twice if he
had ruled out the possibility of contractors spreading
disinformation, and he evaded the question both times.

The Rendon Group said it would not lie.

Spokeswoman Jeanne Sklarz declined to discuss the nature of Rendon's
contract with the Pentagon. "Let me just say that we have a
confidentiality/nondisclosure agreement in place" with the Department
of Defense. "We don't speak about the work we do for clients," she
told UPI.

"The only thing I can say is that we have not, do not, and will not
engage in disinformation."

According to The New York Times, "the Rendon Group has done extensive
work for the Central Intelligence Agency, the Kuwaiti royal family
and the Iraqi National Congress, the opposition group seeking to oust
President Saddam Hussein. ... The firm is well known for running
propaganda campaigns in Arab countries, including one denouncing
atrocities by Iraq during its 1990 invasion of Kuwait."

Reminded of Hill and Knowlton's incubator story -- which echoed World
War I Allied propaganda that invading German soldiers had bayoneted
and mutilated Belgian babies in 1914 -- Sklarz said: "We would not do
that. ... (President) John Rendon really believes that you don't need
anything other than the truth to deliver messages."

UPI asked Hill and Knowlton if it now acknowledges the incubator
story as a deception. "The company has nothing to say on this
matter," media liaison Suzanne Laurita replied. When asked if such a
deception would be considered part of the public relations business,
she answered: "Please know again that this falls into the realm that
the agency has no wish to confirm, deny or comment on."

The Iraqi invaders were guilty of enough acts of gratuitous cruelty,
as numerous eyewitnesses reported, that one wonders why inventing an
atrocity was considered necessary.

Hill and Knowlton did not produce the deception under a federal
contract, but rather on behalf of the oil-rich Kuwaiti government. An
appearance of U.S. government validation, however, came from a
hearing of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on Oct. 10, 1990.

In his 1992 book "Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf
War," Harpers magazine publisher John R. MacArthur wrote that the
caucus is not a committee of Congress, before which it would be a
crime to lie under oath. "Lying from under the cover of anonymity to
a caucus is merely public relations."

The 15-year-old star witness was indeed anonymous, identified only by
her first name of Nayirah. "According to the caucus, Nayirah's full
name was being kept confidential to prevent Iraqi reprisals against
her family in occupied Kuwait," MacArthur wrote.

In fact, she was a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, and her
father -- ambassador to the United States Saud Nasir al-Sabah -- sat
listening in the hearing room. Sobbing, Nayirah described how she, as
a volunteer at al-Addan Hospital in Kuwait City, had seen Iraqi
soldiers remove 312 babies from their incubators and leave them to
die on the floor.

On Jan. 12, 1991, the U.S. Senate approved support of the war against
Iraq by a narrow, five-vote margin. Did the story about the murdered
babies make the critical difference?

Let's hope we don't get any "stories" like this from contractors
working for the Office of Strategic Information.

(Deleted by US ‘sic’ intelligence.)

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Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - - Real community - No thought police.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - - Real community - No thought police.

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Department of Homeland Security Keeping Close Eye On Mexico

Department of Homeland Security Keeping Close Eye On Mexico -eye/

2009 February 26
by momentsintime
The Department of Homeland Security is ready if the violence in Mexico spills over into the United States. As Mexico drug cartels rain terror down on that nation’s citizens the United States is keeping a close eye on border states.
If the increasing Mexican violence starts to spew out of control in the United States DHS personnel and other resources are on the ready.

In Mexico over 5,300 lives were lost in 2007 because of drug wars. The violence is being likened to Islamic terrorists with the criminals out gunning the Mexican authorities. Just last week United States citizens have been warned that a tropical vacation to Mexico is not safe. College students preparing for spring break ahve also been alerted that Mexico is under a travel advisory.

UPI reports:

The DHS plan, which “does not change or supersede any existing authorities … addresses how a number of government agencies would deploy federal resources to help state and local partners on the ground if local resources were overwhelmed,” DHS spokeswoman Amy Kudwa told United Press International. She said the agencies would include the U.S. military “as needed.”

“We have been coordinating with the Department of Defense,” she said.

If needed military troops could be called into action along the border. That action is not being called for yet nor have resources been outsourced to the border. But if the types of crimes, such as beheading and military firefights cross that thin line between nations military power will be called in.

The drug cartels are already achieving a state of terror in Mexico. Past reports tell of parents afraid to send their children to school because of the gunfights.

There are fears that the government in Mexico could collapse allowing the drug cartels even more power. If that were to take place the United States border will be heavily armed and waiting.

If the Mexican government “retreats into tacit agreements with key drug cartels to adopt a live-and-let-live attitude,” said Ray Walser of the Heritage Foundation, allowing local corruption to flourish unchallenged, “parts of Mexico could become no-go zones” for law enforcement, he said.

“The corruptive influence and increasing violence of Mexican drug cartels impedes Mexico City’s ability to govern parts of its country,” Director of National Intelligence Adm. Dennis C. Blair told the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month.

from → politics, terrorism

You called?

tags: politics, terrorism, You called?, momentsintime, Department of Homeland Security,Close Eye, Mexico

Earth Rising - - Real community - No thought police. tags: Earth Rising Planet Netopia Psychological Warfare Operations Tracy Cuneo Deberry Academy NASA Ames Fort Bragg

Earth Rising - - Real community - No thought police.

tags: Earth Rising Planet Netopia Psychological Warfare Operations Tracy Cuneo Deberry Academy NASA Ames Fort Bragg

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I Wonder If I Take You Home - - Real community - No thought police.

I Wonder If I Take You Home - - Real community - No thought police.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rothschilds Timeline FULL

Rothschilds Timeline FULL

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Disco Lies - - Real community - No thought police.

Disco Lies - - Real community - No thought police.

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Black and Gold - - Real community - No thought police.

Black and Gold - - Real community - No thought police.

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proof, deberry, military, academy, national secret, ad to, wikipedia, deleted with in hours

proof, deberry, military, academy, national secret, ad to, wikipedia, deleted with in hours

The revolution is already here

Patrick Henry: The revolution is already here whether we like it or not. It will be here as long as there is a central bank in england 'and now CANADA'. Hoping it will go away is an empty sentiment. I refuse to work for tyrants, thus, give me Liberty or give me death.

You made my school a national secret, Deberry Academy, you keep asking my training, you can not get the 'clearance' to find out, here, reservist traitors » Monarch » Planet Netopia

You made my school a national secret, Deberry Academy, you keep asking my training, you can not get the 'clearance' to find out, here, reservist traitors » Monarch » Planet Netopia
p.s you are completely out out your league.

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the Bill of rights and constitution are NOT privileges. They are INALIENABLE Rights. As for the world not being the same, or fight for freedom, the masons again trying to take credit and / or turn us in to a colony for the queens bankers. not the same? per haps the date is not, the War, is EXACTLY the same.

the Bill of rights and constitution are NOT privileges. They are INALIENABLE Rights. As for the world not being the same, or fight for freedom, the masons again trying to take credit and / or turn us in to a colony for the queens bankers. not the same? per haps the date is not, the War, is EXACTLY the same.

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Obama’s First State Of The Union - - Real community - No thought police.

Obama’s First State Of The Union - - Real community - No thought police.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Forum » illuminati project part 231 » Planet Netopia

Forum » illuminati project part 231 » Planet Netopia

Get up to date news and alternative news here. Meet new people, make new friends
. Planet Netopia is your internet home with no corporate spam.
Alexa Traffic Rank for 1,140, - 29k - Cached - Similar pages - - Real community - No thought police.   Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a new day

Skating Away on the Thin Ice of a new day - - Real community - No thought police.

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Bush / Crowley Connection 7-25-08 - - Real community - No thought police.

Bush / Crowley Connection 7-25-08 - - Real community - No thought police.

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133.220 Who may make arrest. An arrest may be effected by:

(1) A peace officer under a warrant;

(2) A peace officer without a warrant;

(3) A parole and probation officer under a warrant as provided in ORS 133.239;

(4) A parole and probation officer without a warrant for violations of conditions of probation, parole or post-prison supervision;

(5) A private person; or

(6) A federal officer. [Amended by 1981 c.808 §2; 2005 c.668 §4]

133.225 Arrest by private person. (1) A private person may arrest another person for any crime committed in the presence of the private person if the private person has probable cause to believe the arrested person committed the crime. A private person making such an arrest shall, without unnecessary delay, take the arrested person before a magistrate or deliver the arrested person to a peace officer.

(2) In order to make the arrest a private person may use physical force as is justifiable under ORS 161.255. [1973 c.836 §74]

161.255 Use of physical force by private person making citizen’s arrest. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a private person acting on the person’s own account is justified in using physical force upon another person when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes it necessary to make an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of an arrested person whom the person has arrested under ORS 133.225.

(2) A private person acting under the circumstances prescribed in subsection (1) of this section is justified in using deadly physical force only when the person reasonably believes it necessary for self-defense or to defend a third person from what the person reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force. [1971 c.743 §31; 1973 c.836 §339]



be sure. as we are looking for ANY reason to get this in a court room. that punk ass traitor blood you hold. will serve.

be sure.

as we are looking for ANY reason to get this in a court room.

that punk ass traitor blood you hold. will serve.

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Videos » Child Abuse - Franklin Cover-Up - Murder » Planet Netopia


Child Abuse - Franklin Cover-Up - Murder

Franklin Cover-Up - Poltics, Murder, Satanism, & Child Prostitution

Although the national media have focused on pedophilia and abuse committed by Catholic priests in the Boston area and elsewhere, the media have consistently suppressed an even more explosive and related story.

For years, former Nebraska State Sen. John DeCamp has spearheaded an inquiry into a massive pedophile ring with a base of operations in Omaha, Nebraska, that has been linked to high-ranking political figures in Washington. Recently, DeCamp won a $1 million civil judgment against former big-name Republican Party figure Larry King (an Omaha credit union founder) on behalf of a young man, Paul Bonacci, who charged that King had molested him and brought him into the pedophile ring.
secrets to be discovered

Category: Education
child abuse Franklin Cover Up Bohemian Grove Paul Bonacci Senator John DeCamp Larry King Boys Home

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Videos » Pimp Life »

Videos » Pimp Life »

more about "Videos » Pimp Life »", posted with vodpod

you do not still believe this shit right? i will say it out right. anyone ANYONE in the United States Military today, not taking charges out on the commanding officers, is a traitor. any problem with this what so ever. ANY, chatting is no longer enough. it's court, for treason, or murder. Sir.

you do not still believe this shit right? i will say it out right. anyone ANYONE in the United States Military today, not taking charges out on the commanding officers, is a traitor. any problem with this what so ever. ANY, chatting is no longer enough. it's court, for treason, or murder.

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ObamaNation - ObamaWORLD !!! - - Real community - No thought police.

ObamaNation - ObamaWORLD !!! - - Real community - No thought police.

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Monday, February 23, 2009

U2 - Numb official video (high quality) - - Real community - No thought police.

U2 - Numb official video (high quality) - - Real community - No thought police.

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Evil Democracy - - Real community - No thought police.

Evil Democracy - - Real community - No thought police.

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I'm American - - Real community - No thought police.

I'm American - - Real community - No thought police.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For the inventor of radio, see the competing claims in History of radio and the Invention of radio.
Guglielmo Marconi
Born 25 April 1874(1874-04-25)
Palazzo Marescalchi, Bologna, Italy Died 20 July 1937 (aged 63)
Rome, Italy
Known for Radio Notable awards Nobel Prize for Physics (1909) Religious stance Anglican

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi Italian pronunciation: [É¡uÊŽ'ÊŽÉ›:lmo mar'ko:ni] (25 April 1874 – 20 July 1937) was an Italian inventor, best known for his development of a radiotelegraph system, which served as the foundation for the establishment of numerous affiliated companies worldwide. He shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun, "in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy".[1] [2] [3] Later in life, Marconi was an active Italian Fascist[4] and an apologist for their ideology (such as the attack by Italian forces in Ethiopia).



[edit] Biography

Guglielmo Marconi Memorial in Washington, D.C. The memorial is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

[edit] Early years

Marconi was born near Bologna, Italy, the second son of Giuseppe Marconi, an Italian landowner, and his Irish wife, Annie Jameson, granddaughter of the founder of the Jameson Whiskey distillery.[1] Marconi was educated in Bologna in the lab of Augusto Righi, in Florence at the Istituto Cavallero, and, later, in Livorno. As a child Marconi did not do well in school.[5] Baptized as a Catholic, he was a member of the Anglican Church.

[edit] Radio work

During his early years, Marconi had an interest in science and electricity. One of the scientific developments during this era came from Heinrich Hertz, who, beginning in 1888, demonstrated that one could produce and detect electromagnetic radiation—now generally known as "radio waves", at the time more commonly called "Hertzian waves" or "aetheric waves". Hertz's death in 1894 brought published reviews of his earlier discoveries, and a renewed interest on the part of Marconi. He was permitted to briefly study the subject under Augusto Righi, a University of Bologna physicist and neighbour of Marconi who had done research on Hertz's work. Righi had a subscription to The Electrician where Oliver Lodge published detailed accounts of the apparatus used in his (Lodge's) public demonstrations of wireless telegraphy in 1894.

[edit] Early experimental devices

Marconi began to conduct experiments, building much of his own equipment in the attic of his home at the Villa Griffone in Pontecchio, Italy. His goal was to use radio waves to create a practical system of "wireless telegraphy"—i.e. the transmission of telegraph messages without connecting wires as used by the electric telegraph. This was not a new idea—numerous investigators had been exploring wireless telegraph technologies for over 50 years, but none had proven commercially successful. Marconi did not discover any new and revolutionary principle in his wireless-telegraph system, but rather he assembled and improved an array of facts, unified and adapted them to his system.[6] Marconi's system had the following components:[7]

  • A relatively simple oscillator, or spark producing radio transmitter, which was closely modeled after one designed by Righi, in turn similar to what Hertz had used;
  • A wire or capacity area placed at a height above the ground;
  • A coherer receiver, which was a modification of Edouard Branly's original device, with refinements to increase sensitivity and reliability;
  • A telegraph key to operate the transmitter to send short and long pulses, corresponding to the dots-and-dashes of Morse code; and
  • A telegraph register, activated by the coherer, which recorded the received Morse code dots and dashes onto a roll of paper tape.

Similar configurations using spark-gap transmitters plus coherer-receivers had been tried by others, but many were unable to achieve transmission ranges of more than a few hundred metres.

At first, Marconi could only signal over limited distances. In the summer of 1895 he moved his experimentation outdoors. After increasing the length of the transmitter and receiver antennas, and arranging them vertically, and positioning the antenna so that it touched the ground, the range increased significantly.[8][9] Soon he was able to transmit signals over a hill, a distance of approximately 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi).[10] By this point he concluded that with additional funding and research, a device could become capable of spanning greater distances and would prove valuable both commercially and militarily.

Finding limited interest in his work in Italy, in early 1896 at the age of 21, Marconi traveled to London, England, accompanied by his mother to seek support for his work; Marconi spoke fluent English in addition to Italian. While there, he gained the interest and support of William Preece, the Chief Electrical Engineer of the British Post Office. The apparatus that Marconi possessed at that time was strikingly similar to that of one in 1882 by A. E. Dolbear, of Tufts College, which used a spark coil generator and a carbon granular rectifier for reception.[11][12] A series of demonstrations for the British government followed—by March, 1897, Marconi had transmitted Morse code signals over a distance of about 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) across the Salisbury Plain. On 13 May 1897, Marconi sent the first ever wireless communication over open sea. It transversed the Bristol Channel from Lavernock Point (South Wales) to Flat Holm Island, a distance of 6 kilometres (3.7 mi). The message read "Are you ready".[13] The receiving equipment was almost immediately relocated to Brean Down Fort on the Somerset coast, stretching the range to 16 kilometres (9.9 mi).

Impressed by these and other demonstrations, Preece introduced Marconi's ongoing work to the general public at two important London lectures: "Telegraphy without Wires", at the Toynbee Hall on 11 December 1896; and "Signaling through Space without Wires", given to the Royal Institution on 4 June 1897.

Numerous additional demonstrations followed, and Marconi began to receive international attention. In July 1897, he carried out a series of tests at La Spezia in his home country, for the Italian government. A test for Lloyds between Ballycastle and Rathlin Island, Ireland, was conducted on 6 July 1898. The English channel was crossed on 27 March 1899, from Wimereux, France to South Foreland Lighthouse, England, and in the fall of 1899, the first demonstrations in the United States took place, with the reporting of the America's Cup international yacht races at New York.

Marconi sailed to the United States at the invitation of the New York Herald newspaper to cover the America's Cup races off Sandy Hook, NJ. The transmission was done aboard the SS Ponce, a passenger ship of the Porto Rico Line. [14] According to the Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute by the United States Naval Institute, the Marconi instruments were tested around 1899 and the tests concerning his wireless system found that the "[...] coherer, principle of which was discovered some twenty years ago, [was] the only electrical instrument or device contained in the apparatus that is at all new".[15]

[edit] Transatlantic transmissions

Marconi watching associates raise kite antenna at St. John's, December, 1901
“ See if you can hear anything, Mr. Kemp![16]

Around the turn of the century, Marconi began investigating the means to signal completely across the Atlantic, in order to compete with the transatlantic telegraph cables. Marconi established a wireless transmitting station at Marconi House, Rosslare Strand, Co. Wexford in 1901 to act as a link between Poldhu in Cornwall and Clifden in Co. Galway. He soon made the announcement that on 12 December 1901, using a 152.4-metre (500 ft) kite-supported antenna for reception, the message was received at Signal Hill in St John's, Newfoundland (now part of Canada) signals transmitted by the company's new high-power station at Poldhu, Cornwall. The distance between the two points was about 3,500 kilometres (2,200 mi). Heralded as a great scientific advance, there was — and continues to be — some skepticism about this claim, partly because the signals had been heard faintly and sporadically. There was no independent confirmation of the reported reception, and the transmissions, consisting of the Morse code letter S sent repeatedly, were difficult to distinguish from atmospheric noise. (A detailed technical review of Marconi's early transatlantic work appears in John S. Belrose's work of 1995.)[17] The Poldhu transmitter was a two-stage circuit.[18][19] The first stage operated at lower voltage and provided the energy for the second stage to spark at a higher voltage. Nikola Tesla, a rival in transatlantic transmission, stated after being told of Marconi's reported transmission that "Marconi [... was] using seventeen of my patents."[20][21]

Feeling challenged by skeptics, Marconi prepared a better organized and documented test. In February, 1902, the SS Philadelphia sailed west from Great Britain with Marconi aboard, carefully recording signals sent daily from the Poldhu station. The test results produced coherer-tape reception up to 2,496 kilometres (1,551 mi), and audio reception up to 3,378 kilometres (2,099 mi). Interestingly, the maximum distances were achieved at night, and these tests were the first to show that for mediumwave and longwave transmissions, radio signals travel much farther at night than in the day. During the daytime, signals had only been received up to about 1,125 kilometres (699 mi), less than half of the distance claimed earlier at Newfoundland, where the transmissions had also taken place during the day. Because of this, Marconi had not fully confirmed the Newfoundland claims, although he did prove that radio signals could be sent for hundreds of kilometres, despite some scientists' belief they were essentially limited to line-of-sight distances.

On 17 December 1902, a transmission from the Marconi station in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, became the first radio message to cross the Atlantic from North America. On 18 January 1903, a Marconi station built near South Wellfleet, Massachusetts in 1901 sent a message of greetings from Theodore Roosevelt, the President of the United States, to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, marking the first transatlantic radio transmission originating in the United States. However, consistent transatlantic signalling was difficult to establish.

Marconi began to build high-powered stations on both sides of the Atlantic to communicate with ships at sea, in competition with other inventors. In 1904 a commercial service was established to transmit nightly news summaries to subscribing ships, which could incorporate them into their on-board newspapers. A regular transatlantic radio-telegraph service was finally begun on 17 October 1907[22] between Clifden Ireland and Glace Bay, but even after this the company struggled for many years to provide reliable communication.

[edit] Titanic

The two radio operators aboard the Titanic - Jack Phillips and Harold Bride - were not employed by the White Star Line but by the Marconi International Marine Communication Company. Following the sinking of the ocean liner, survivors were rescued by the Carpathia of the Cunard Line. When it docked in New York, Marconi went aboard with a reporter from the New York Times to talk with Bride, the surviving operator.[23] On 18 June 1912, Marconi gave evidence to the Court of Inquiry into the loss of the Titanic regarding the marine telegraphy's functions and the procedures for emergencies at sea.[24] Britain's postmaster-general summed up, referring to the Titanic disaster, "Those who have been saved, have been saved through one man, Mr. Marconi...and his marvellous invention."

[edit] Patent disputes

Marconi's work built upon the discoveries of numerous other scientists and experimenters. His "two-circuit" equipment, consisting of a spark-gap transmitter plus a coherer-receiver, was similar to those used by other experimenters, and in particular to that employed by Oliver Lodge in a series of widely reported demonstrations in 1894. There were claims that Marconi was able to signal for greater distances than anyone else when using the spark-gap and coherer combination, but these have been disputed (notably by Tesla).[10]

In 1900 Alexander Stepanovich Popov stated to the Congress of Russian Electrical Engineers that: "[...] the emission and reception of signals by Marconi by means of electric oscillations [was] nothing new. In America, the famous engineer Nikola Tesla carried the same experiments in 1893."[25]

The Fascist regime in Italy credited Marconi with the first improvised arrangement in the development of radio.[26] There was controversy whether his contribution was sufficient to deserve patent protection, or if his devices were too close to the original ones developed by Hertz, Popov, Branley, Tesla, and Lodge to be patentable.

While Marconi did pioneering demonstrations for the time, his equipment was limited by being essentially untuned, which greatly restricted the number of spark-gap radio transmitters which could operate simultaneously in a geographical area without causing mutually disruptive interference. (Continuous-wave transmitters were naturally more selective and less prone to this deficiency). Marconi addressed this defect with a patent application for a much more sophisticated "four-circuit" design, which featured two tuned-circuits at both the transmitting and receiving antennas. This was issued as British patent number 7,777 on 26 April 1900. However, this patent came after significant earlier work had been done on electrical tuning by Nikola Tesla and Oliver Lodge. (As a defensive move, in 1911 the Marconi Company purchased the Lodge-Muirhead Syndicate, whose primary asset was Oliver Lodge's 1897 tuning patent. This followed a 1911 court case in which the Marconi company was ruled to have illegally used the techniques described under Lodge's tuning patent.) Thus, the "four-sevens" patent and its equivalents in other countries was the subject of numerous legal challenges, with rulings which varied by jurisdiction, from full validation of Marconi's tuning patent to complete nullification.

In 1943, a lawsuit regarding Marconi's numerous other radio patents was resolved in the United States. The court decision was based on the prior work conducted by others, including Nikola Tesla, Oliver Lodge, and John Stone Stone, from which some of Marconi patents (such as U.S. Patent 763,772 ) stemmed. The U. S. Supreme Court stated that,

The Tesla patent No. 645,576, applied for 2 September 1897 and allowed 20 March 1900, disclosed a four-circuit system, having two circuits each at transmitter and receiver, and recommended that all four circuits be tuned to the same frequency. [... He] recognized that his apparatus could, without change, be used for wireless communication, which is dependent upon the transmission of electrical energy.[27]

In making their decision, the court noted,

Marconi's reputation as the man who first achieved successful radio transmission rests on his original patent, which became reissue No. 11,913, and which is not here [320 U.S. 1, 38] in question. That reputation, however well-deserved, does not entitle him to a patent for every later improvement which he claims in the radio field. Patent cases, like others, must be decided not by weighing the reputations of the litigants, but by careful study of the merits of their respective contentions and proofs."[28]

The court also stated that,

It is well established that as between two inventors priority of invention will be awarded to the one who by satisfying proof can show that he first conceived of the invention."[28]

The case was resolved in the U.S. Supreme Court by overturning most of Marconi's patents. At the time, the United States Army was involved in a patent infringement lawsuit with Marconi's company regarding radio, leading observers to posit that the government nullified Marconi's other patents to render moot claims for compensation (as, it is speculated, the government's initial reversal to grant Marconi the patent right in order to nullify any claims Tesla had for compensation). In contrast to the United States system, Mr. Justice Parker of the British High Court of Justice upheld Marconi's "four-sevens" tuning patent. These proceedings made up only a part of a long series of legal struggles, as major corporations jostled for advantage in a new and important industry.

[edit] Continuing work

“ Have I done the world good, or have I added a menace?[29]

Over the years, the Marconi companies gained a reputation for being technically conservative, in particular by continuing to use inefficient spark-transmitter technology, which could only be used for radiotelegraph operations, long after it was apparent that the future of radio communication lay with continuous-wave transmissions, which were more efficient and could be used for audio transmissions. Somewhat belatedly, the company did begin significant work with continuous-wave equipment beginning in 1915, after the introduction of the oscillating vacuum tube (valve). In 1920, employing a vacuum tube transmitter, the Chelmsford Marconi factory was the location for the first entertainment radio broadcasts in the United Kingdom—one of these featured Dame Nellie Melba. In 1922 regular entertainment broadcasts commenced from the Marconi Research Centre at Writtle.

[edit] Later years

“ His Excellency the Senator Marchese Guglielmo Marconi, president of the Royal Academy of Italy, Member of the Fascist Grand Council ”

In 1914 Marconi was made a Senator in the Italian Senate and appointed Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order in the UK. During World War I, Italy joined the Allied side of the conflict, and Marconi was placed in charge of the Italian military's radio service. He attained the rank of lieutenant in the Italian Army and of commander in the Italian Navy. In 1924, he was made a marchese by King Victor Emmanuel III.

Marconi joined the Italian Fascist party in 1923. In 1930, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini appointed him President of the Royal Academy of Italy, which made Marconi a member of the

Tags: Guglielmo Marconi
