Friday, February 27, 2009 - Real community - No thought police.   Roots the US propaganda system

Roots the US propaganda system

Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda
One of the dubious contributions of the US
to the rest of the world has been the development
of modern propaganda techniques.

US "public relations" pioneers like Ivy Lee
and Edward Bernays not only served US corporate
clients, they were also openly admired and in Lee's
case even hired by the Nazi government to
provide advice and services.

There are deep historical roots to the
US elite's obsession with "public relations."

Regimenting people's minds
The conflict between the economic elite and the rest of the population has been part of American culture since the beginning.

Some of the the Founding Fathers, like James Madison, recognized this conflict and took the side of the elite.

The biggest threat Madison and others felt they faced was independent thought.

"Dealing" with independent thought in a nominally democratic society has been one of the obsessions of big business and corporate power throughout America's history and over the centuries, they've become very good at it.

tags: propaganda, public relations, Ivy Lee, Edward Bernays, NAZI, economic, James Madison, society, big business, corporate, Noam Chomsky

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